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SdKfz 222 Detail Set

Probably the most iconic of the German reconnaissance vehicles, the 222 was used in all campaigns from 1939 to 1945.  Similarly, Airfix’s 1/76 scale rendition of the vehicle (along with its box-mate, the Kubelwagen) is one of the classics of their range.  The kit is dimensionally accurate and so, with a little work, a smart little model can be made.  One area where the kit falls down is in the depiction of mesh - which is near impossible in plastic. Therefore, this set provides both the hull-top mesh, aft of the turret and, more prominently, the anti-grenade turret cover.  Also provided are details such as the number plates, towing hooks, horn and pennant holder.

The parts can be used on the Fujimi SdKfz 222 but there is quite a lot of work needed to correct the structure and, in particular, the small turret.

Price: £3.50

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